TIFFswab ======== Synopsis -------- .. highlight:: c :: #include .. c:function:: const unsigned char* TIFFGetBitRevTable(int reversed) .. c:function:: void TIFFReverseBits(u_char* data, unsigned long nbytes) .. c:function:: void TIFFSwabShort(uint16_t* data) .. c:function:: void TIFFSwabLong(uint32_t* data) .. c:function:: void TIFFSwabLong8(uint64_t* lp) .. c:function:: void TIFFSwabFloat(float* fp) .. c:function:: void TIFFSwabDouble(double *dp) .. c:function:: void TIFFSwabArrayOfShort(uint16_t* wp, tmsize_t n) .. c:function:: void TIFFSwabArrayOfTriples(uint8_t* tp, tmsize_t n) .. c:function:: void TIFFSwabArrayOfLong(uint32_t* lp, tmsize_t n) .. c:function:: void TIFFSwabArrayOfLong8(uint64_t* lp, tmsize_t n) .. c:function:: void TIFFSwabArrayOfFloat(float* fp, tmsize_t n) .. c:function:: void TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble(double* dp, tmsize_t n) Description ----------- The following routines are used by the library to swap 16-, 32- and 64-bit data and to reverse the order of bits in bytes. :c:func:`TIFFSwabShort` and :c:func:`TIFFSwabLong` and :c:func:`TIFFSwabFloat` swap the bytes in a single 16- and 32-bit item, respectively. :c:func:`TIFFSwabLong8` and :c:func:`TIFFSwabDouble` swap the bytes in a single 64-bit item. :c:func:`TIFFSwabArrayOfTriples` swap the first and the third byte of each triple (three bytes) within the byte array. The second byte of each triple stays untouched. :c:func:`TIFFSwabArrayOfShort` and :c:func:`TIFFSwabArrayOfLong`, :c:func:`TIFFSwabArrayOfFloat` swap the bytes in an array of 16- and 32-bit items, respectively. :c:func:`TIFFSwabArrayOfLong8` and :c:func:`TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble` swap the bytes in an array of 64-bit items. :c:func:`TIFFReverseBits` replaces each byte in *data* with the equivalent bit-reversed value. This operation is performed with a lookup table, which is returned using the :c:func:`TIFFGetBitRevTable` function. The *reversed* parameter specifies which table should be returned. Supply *1* if you want bit reversal table. Supply *0* to get the table that do not reverse bit values. It is a lookup table that can be used as an "identity function"; i.e. :c:expr:`TIFFNoBitRevTable[n] == n`. Diagnostics ----------- None. See also -------- :doc:`libtiff` (3tiff)